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首頁 > 新聞資訊獵頭公司和招聘網(wǎng)站的區(qū)別有哪些?
來源:http://www.xindezhou.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2020-05-23
For most people, headhunters think they are recruiters, but this is not the case. So, what does headhunting mean? What are the differences between headhunting companies and recruitment websites?
What does headhunter mean
Headhunting is an imported word, which originally meant to cut off the head of the enemy as a trophy. Now it mostly refers to people who look for talents.
Headhunter is also the title of a film released in Hong Kong in 1982. In Chaoshan dialect, "headhunter" refers to bald head, which should be "wax head". The word "headhunter" comes from Latin. At that time, the tribe cut off the head of each other and hung it on the waist to show off.
Nowadays, many people understand that headhunters are the recruitment program providers of employers' companies. They answer the questions about whether, where, how to attract them and how to retain them in the industry. It's a talent's friend who can give advice on career development. At least other candidates find out the lesson of detour. It is a bridge between talents and employers!
The difference between headhunters and recruitment websites
Although they are all about recruitment, they have different emphases.
1. Recruitment through regular headhunters is faster than general recruitment. As the headhunter recruitment is to take the initiative, quickly lock the scope of the search and establish contact with the candidates. And in a closed channel, one-to-one communication with candidates can effectively achieve recruitment goals.
2. Headhunter recruitment is more accurate than general recruitment. Because headhunters mainly dig people from the same positions in their customers' competitors' companies, the talents they find generally meet the requirements, so the phenomenon of leaving during the probation period is relatively small. Moreover, after the candidates are successfully recommended and go to work, the headhunter will provide a series of services to help the candidates adapt to the positions of the new company as soon as possible and avoid the risk of recruitment failure.
3. The candidates recruited by headhunters are better than the general ones, which can greatly reduce the recruitment risk. This is because excellent talents are often attracted and reused by the original boss, which is rare in the mobile market. Senior talents like to change jobs through the recommendation of headhunting companies or friends, and can get a buffer of salary negotiation. Even if there are outstanding talents in mobile talents (job fairs, newspapers, Internet and other media advertisements), they often change jobs frequently due to poor interpersonal skills, high self-evaluation, self-centered, difficult to cooperate with others and other reasons. Regular headhunting companies have a wide range of search networks, which can repeatedly select recommended talents, verify their resumes or conduct personnel surveys, with the characteristics of high efficiency, timely and accurate, and avoid mistakes in employment.