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首頁 > 新聞資訊獵頭公司是否合適自己先從這樣的角度考評(píng)
來源:http://www.xindezhou.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2022-08-19
Many HR personnel who are looking for a headhunting company for the first time will be confused. The first thing they think of is the popularity of the headhunting company. This idea is good in itself, but the popularity of the headhunting company is not an important evaluation standard. In the view of the small editor, the evaluation of whether Shandong headhunting company is suitable for them should start from the following perspectives:
Matching degree
HR should identify the matching degree between the industry that the headhunting company is good at and the industry to which the company belongs, and judge whether the talent pool of the headhunting company is large; Matching industry headhunters can shorten the cooperation time and even give constructive opinions. How to judge the matching degree will be explained in detail in the following judging headhunting consultants.
company size 
There are various headhunting companies in the market, ranging from one person to several hundred people. The number of employees is mainly used to judge the carrying capacity of the company and its compatibility with emergencies; A headhunting company with a certain scale will be a good guarantee for our cooperation. The contract will not be half completed and the partners will be dissolved for various reasons.
Company operation time
It should be noted that the operation time is not the establishment time. Some companies may have been registered and have been in the empty status, so there is no accumulation of experience. Judge the maturity of headhunting companies, which is mainly reflected in their ability to cope with emergencies and coordinate under pressure when the project encounters bottlenecks.
Assessment of headhunting consultants
After evaluating the above three points, HR can judge whether the headhunting company itself can cooperate. However, the core also depends on the headhunting consultant who connects with you, because the headhunting consultant is responsible for the whole project operation process. What kind of headhunting consultant should be selected?
The professional degree is not only reflected in the professional degree of the consultant to the industry of the HR company, but also in the professional recognition of the headhunting industry.
How can we judge whether the consultant is professional? In fact, it can be judged through the first communication. For example, when you put forward your company's products, whether he can quickly know your competitors, the company's upstream, downstream, product marketing channels, and the current market situation of such products. Of course, it is also possible that the product itself is relatively sophisticated and the consultant has not had much contact before, but it can be judged by the evaluation report. For more information, please visit our website http://www.xindezhou.com Follow the message!