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首頁 > 新聞資訊如何向面試官展示你的深度?
來源:http://www.xindezhou.com 發(fā)布人:admin 日期:2023-09-26
Experience presentation is not only a matter of experience, but also many things beyond experience that affect your performance.
Any position is an experience, and the interviewers you face are only matched with your experience or not. So when you go for a job interview, you will inevitably face discussing your experience with the interviewer. This is a tough interview because in this stage, you need to demonstrate your abilities and experience. If you don't do a good job in the experience depth presentation stage, it is almost inevitable that the interview will fail. However, experience presentation is not only a matter of experience, but also many things beyond experience that affect your performance.
As the saying goes: one minute on stage, ten years of work off stage. Generally speaking, interviewers spend more than half an hour showcasing your depth of experience. The degree to which you showcase your experience during this interview actually depends on your usual accumulation and how much homework you have done for this interview. Having done enough homework, your on-site experience demonstration may be very exciting. On the contrary, I'm afraid your knowledge may not be useful.
Prepare a resume
To make the interviewer judge whether you are experienced or not, first prepare a resume that showcases your experience and strength. Especially when you are engaged in technical tasks such as research and development, production, and engineering with high levels of experience and technical content, you should have a fully detailed empirical description in your resume. This way, it is also convenient for non corresponding interviewers to have in-depth communication on the topic you are discussing during the interview. In fact, you have already conducted a guided experiential discussion during the process of writing your resume.
Before the interview, assess the fit of experience first
When you are notified of an interview, please take some time to understand through multiple channels: the business situation of the company you are applying for, the general content of your experience and skills that the company will use, and the experience tools and methods you will bring to the company. This will save more interview time to showcase your depth of experience, and also demonstrate that you attach great importance to this interview. You are mentally and empirically prepared to face the challenges of experience, which is a bonus for successful application. If operated by experienced headhunting companies, these are easier to implement.
Understand the interviewer and interview procedures
When the human resources department notified you that you were going for an interview, you asked him who the interviewer was? What is the approximate process? Is it just someone from HR or someone with HR experience? Are they talking separately or collectively? If an experienced headhunting company helps you operate, the headhunting consultant will further inform you of the style and characteristics of these interviewers, which will prepare you mentally and help you showcase your experience and abilities in a limited manner on site, which will greatly help with the success of the job application.
A confident but not arrogant mindset
While being confident in one's own experience, it is important to show respect to the interviewer. Only with such a mindset can one fully showcase their experience to the interviewer with great limits.
Regardless of whether the interviewer is the person in charge of the corresponding experience and understands your experience, it is important to maintain a mindset that the interviewer understands your experience. Do not assume that the interviewer does not understand your experience. Regardless of whether the interviewer aligns with your experience, whether facing one or multiple interviewers, it is important to maintain a positive mindset, both confident and humble. If you lack confidence, stage fright, and affect the depth of your experience; If not humble, it will attract the interviewer's aversion.
Remember, when showcasing your depth of experience, never assume that the interviewer is inexperienced. The interviewer may not understand your experience, but they must know your level of experience and know if you are an expert in this field. Do not challenge the interviewer's judgment on experiential abilities. This is my sincere advice for experienced technicians during interviews.
Combining Empirical Terminology with Popular Language
What language should experienced individuals use to express their experience during interviews? This depends on the situation. If the interviewer is in line, please use empirical terminology to demonstrate. Please do not use metaphors, otherwise the interviewer will think that you lack experience and basic literacy. If the interviewer is not speaking to each other, use plain language to explain the experience issue. If you cannot explain your experience to a non experienced person in plain language, it will compromise the effectiveness of the interview. On the contrary, if you can use easy to understand language to explain experiential issues that non experienced individuals can understand, this itself proves that you are truly experienced and also proves that you have surpassed the ordinary level of experience.
So, what should be paid attention to during the in-depth experience questioning process
Listen carefully before answering
The mindset of experienced technicians is unidirectional, otherwise they would not be able to do well in their experience. This mode of thinking has its great advantages, but also its limitations, believing that one's own experience is from this world. If it weren't like this, he wouldn't be an engineer, and only with this confident philosophy can he deepen, deepen, and refine his experience. So, self righteous experienced technicians often answer questions without listening clearly, or quickly interrupt the interviewer before they have finished speaking and start speaking on their own. Due to a lack of comprehensive and correct understanding of the interviewer's questions, communication and interaction efficiency are slow, and incorrect answers can create the impression of unclear thinking or communication barriers for the interviewer.
Answers should be structured
Experienced technicians have a strong logic in their work, but often lack logic in their language expression, which is unstructured and fragmented. Because he ponders over specific experiences every day and does not pay attention to the training of language expression skills. When it comes to showcasing experience, it is often difficult for the interviewer to use fragments of direct experience to express the issue of experience. Therefore, experienced technicians should do their homework before meeting the interviewer and systematically summarize their experience, which will greatly improve the interviewer's evaluation of your experience.
Focus on key points in answering
Experienced technicians sometimes fail to grasp the main points and key points when answering questions, always giving a bunch of examples and letting the interviewer extract key points from them. And for things that can be said clearly, ten minutes of examples were given, and time was wasted on examples. Because the interview time is very short, it is necessary to organize and prepare in advance, based on the structured summary of experience, make some simple theoretical improvements, and extract the key points.
Just answer correctly
Chen Jingrun can do math problems very well, but it's very difficult for him to explain them once. Experienced technicians often answer questions either poorly, or in a disorderly, offside, or misaligned manner.
The manifestation of not being in place is: to answer and express a question, which is simply a question and answer, only stating the main points, and what is the supporting argument for the main points, without an answer, or without knowing how to answer, this is called not being in place.
The manifestation of misplacement is: after answering the argument, the concept of the type of argument is confused, the argument process is unreasonable, and the structure is chaotic and misplaced. In fact, his experience in work is quite clear, but he doesn't understand.
The manifestation of offside is: on the basis of being in place, one or all of the supporting arguments are unfolded, and the arguments are used as arguments to continue searching for evidence. The car cannot be stopped, and the interviewer is constantly delving deeper, saying too much may lead to misplacement, and saying too much will inevitably cause the interviewer to be upset.
Chaotic expression is: the argument does not correspond to the argument, divergent thinking, one problem is not explained clearly, and then another problem is discussed, and even the argument and argument are reversed. After discussing for a long time, people cannot understand what is being discussed. Originally discussing A problem, they ran to B problem, then to W problem, and then to A problem, thinking confusion, confusion, and confusion, and I do not know where to end. Therefore, before meeting the interviewer, basic logical thinking training should be done to learn to focus on discussing a problem and clarify the problem.
Show experience around the nature of the position
Experience presentation should distinguish between applying for an experience position or an experience management position. The level of experience displayed varies depending on the job position being applied for. If the applicant is an experienced executor, such as an engineer or senior engineer, they will showcase more of their experience as a tool. If applying for an experience management position, one should demonstrate an understanding of both the basic tools of experience and the experience and ability of team management.
Don't ignore non corresponding interviewers
When you are facing multiple interviewers at the same time, it is easy to resonate with the corresponding interviewers when presenting your experience. When you become excited and only talk to experienced interviewers, you may completely ignore other non corresponding interviewers, who may have a crucial impact on your interview. So when facing multiple interviewers, you should take into account everything, rather than just delving into the logic of experienced individuals or going dark on one topic at a time.
Experienced individuals are often prone to the mistake of thinking they have experience and looking down on non experienced individuals. Some people get excited when interacting with experienced interviewers when facing multiple interviewers, and even forget about other non corresponding interviewers, so the language naturally reveals itself, and the person who hurts is not aware of it yet.
Although experienced individuals are easily interactive and excited when facing experienced interviewers, in the real workplace, experienced interviewers are sometimes very amateur in the interview aspect. So, how do we deal with experienced interviewers? Even, what should I do when encountering an experienced but amateur interviewer?
Be straightforward without beating around the bush
Since we are all experienced individuals, the language of experience is interconnected, so answering questions must be direct and not evasive. If he asks about experience, you answer it, because experienced people are usually straightforward. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, it is important to use empirical terminology to answer questions, rather than using metaphors to explain experiential questions, which can be counterproductive.
When the interviewer is unsure, be able to guide them
Experienced leaders are not equal to experienced interviewers, so sometimes expressing questions is not as clear and clear as human resources or relevant decision-makers. What should I do as a candidate? Some people feel that they cannot question in person and are embarrassed to ask again, so they answer according to their own understanding. If the answer is not consistent with the interviewer's desired answer, they will think that you did not answer the question correctly, and it will be the applicant themselves who will suffer.
So, candidates should not question, feel embarrassed, or rely on guessing and understanding to answer questions. Instead, they should politely turn the questions around and switch to questions that are conducive to their own answers. For example, as an interviewer, the person in charge of management engineering technology may sometimes ask questions that are out of place and too big to handle. At this point, the interviewee should say, "If I understand correctly, what are the three key points to excel in engineering technology?" In response to a question of inquiry, most interviewers would nod and say yes. So you can naturally answer the content that you have already considered, and the interviewer will generally delve deeper into the key points you have answered, so that you are completely proactive.
Appropriately praise the interviewer
Moderate praise for experienced interviewers can have unexpected effects.
You can express it through language: "You asked very well!" or "You asked very experienced!" or "Upon hearing it, you are very experienced." Although the interviewer knows that you are flattering him, they are still happy in their hearts. This way, both parties have achieved mutual recognition, and the interaction has a good foundation. Moderately praising the interviewer's experience in this way is beneficial for showcasing one's own experience. The interview must be a process of mutual recognition, where one party disagrees and the other party will perceive it and take protective and counterattack measures. So why talk about experience and deep communication? Remember that you are here for an interview and want to showcase your experience to the interviewer in depth. It is not up to you to judge the interviewer's quality, let alone argue with them.
When interrupted, learn to calm down and concentrate
Sometimes you are eagerly showcasing your depth of experience to the interviewer, and suddenly the interviewer interrupts you, or even continuously interrupts your conversation, opening up new topics. Why did the interviewer interrupt you? There are three reasons: firstly, I'm not interested in what you're saying and don't want to hear it anymore; Secondly, although interested, I am already familiar with your experience and abilities in this field, which is unnecessary to listen to; Thirdly, there is not enough time, and there are still many aspects waiting to be further understood to accelerate the interview conversation. Therefore, when you interview, you feel like you have found a confidant, and then chatter incessantly. If the interviewer interrupts you and continues to open up new topics, you need to remain calm, stop at a moderate pace, and return to the topic asked by the interviewer. When answering a new topic from the interviewer, be sure not to expand too much, be concise and straightforward. In fact, in a regular interview, the interviewer will ask a question about each aspect of your future job content, and it is enough to ask thoroughly. The interviewer cannot make you present all the details clearly. So, the answer needs to be condensed and refined.
To learn to combine numbers and case studies
Deep demonstration of experience is a very practical question, so answering questions should be reasonable and grounded, and have substance in words. There are two sides to a valid statement: one is data, and the other is classic cases. Try to speak with actual data as much as possible, and never boast. Data is impossible. If you brag, it will be broken with just one stab. In addition, in order to demonstrate their comprehensive strength, for example, candidates for management positions, their experience and abilities are mainly reflected in management. So in addition to data, there are classic case studies to handle. A case processing process that can showcase all aspects of a person's handling of complex problems. If you don't mention the data and cases, the interviewer will question the authenticity of what you are saying.
The above is the content introduced by the manufacturer of Shandong Headhunting Company. Thank you for taking the time to check our company's information content http://www.xindezhou.com If you want to learn more, please feel free to call for consultation